With the 2-year restraints brought by the pandemic, Pines City Colleges longed to reach out to the community. As classes gradually opened face-to-face, the institution took the opportunity to render its purpose. In line with PCC’s 53rd foundation events, the institution conducted an in-campus medical mission spearheaded by the Extension Office Coordinator, Ms. Rowena Acacio, in collaboration with the School of Medicine and the College of Dentistry. Students and instructors rendered services to 100 pupils from Lucban Elementary School and 20 senior citizens and 10 children from Magsaysay Private Rd. Barangay.
All of PCC’s Colleges made sure to lend a hand at the event. The College of Nursing accommodated the beneficiaries for the triage and the vital signs. The School of Medicine took care of the initial assessment, the School Physician, Dr. Lani Rose P. Ciriaco, handled the pediatrics, and the Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Manuel M. Bautista Jr. managed the adults. The College of Physical Therapy put up 3 table beds to assess the beneficiaries for the Scoliosis and Balance Test. Meanwhile, the College of Dentistry opened its laboratories to welcome the children for Dental checkups and also opened two of their classrooms for Dental Health Education, making sure that the kids are informed on why it is needed to minimize eating sweets and on how to brush properly. The College of Pharmacy made sure that the recipients received the needed vitamins and medicines. Along with this, they gave instructions on the prescription intake. For the College of Respiratory Therapy, they rendered lessons for proper Respiratory Management while the College of Medical Laboratory Sciences offered laboratory tests. At the same time, the Baguio Health Department offered vaccination for employees, staff, students, and beneficiaries. As for the feeding program, the SSC volunteered to give rice porridge to the parents of the children.
The PCC-Extension Office partnered with Digisupport Virtual Assistance Services to give out hygiene kits, and baon packs. The children also received Jollibee meals.
Through this activity, PCC has conquered another milestone. With its students and employees embodying excellence, care, and support to the community, the In-Campus Medical Mission was a success.