On February 21, 2024, the College of Medical Laboratory Science, PCC School of Medicine, and Community Engagement Services (CES) Project ANGELS saved lives through a mobile blood donation activity with the slogan “Give Blood, Save Lives” at the Garden of Pines City College’s (PCC) Main Building. The activity started at exactly 8:00 in the morning. This mobile blood donation activity was in partnership with the Philippine Red Cross, which operates a network of blood service facilities nationwide with the capabilities to provide manpower and logistics support necessary for mobile blood donation (MBD) activities as well as issuing blood to members in need, depending on the blood service facility category.

The Mobile Blood Donation (MBD) activity takes place every quarter of the year. In this program, the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) conducts the appropriate screening procedures and provides necessary supplies, resources, and equipment in collaboration with Pines City Colleges (PCC). The institution is responsible for informing the public and the institution about this activity so that they can support and participate since the College of Medical Laboratory Science believes that it not only saves lives but also educates people to care for themselves.
Additionally, the Philippine Red Cross and Pines City Colleges collected 50 bags of blood after the activity, though there were 17 deferred volunteers who did not participate because they did not meet the prerequisites for the blood donation program. With these actions, it is certain that many people in need of blood will be saved. #Collin Jaye Laguinday