On March 1, 2024, the Pines City Colleges College of Respiratory Therapy, in partnership with PCC Community Engagement Services Project ANGELS, held a seminar at Lucban Elementary School on basic life support. The seminar’s purpose was to teach students on how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) correctly in cases that required quick action.

The discussions stressed the significance of evaluating the quality and effectiveness of CPR. It emphasized the critical role of persons who know basic life support as crucial links in the “Chain of Survival,” ensuring a timely and effective response in emergency situations. Students of Lucban Elementary School were introduced to the concept of CPR, as well as the function of the heart and the reasons for doing it. While they have extensive understanding of the issue, their apprehension of performing CPR derives from a lack of hands-on exercises and return demonstrations that mimic real-life events.
“It was very informative to the children because they had the chance to do some practical exercises and return demonstrations with the provided dummies.” Mr. John Parayao, the Brigada Eskuwela Chairman, expressed his appreciation for the seminar, highlighting its practical approach to educating the children. He noted that while some of them had theoretical knowledge about basic life support and CPR, they lacked hands-on experience. He commended the opportunity provided by the seminar to practice CPR techniques with dummies, which enhanced their understanding. True enough, the young students demonstrated remarkable intellect which they have proved during the Q&A portion of the seminar.
Nash C. Abeya, the SELG president, has also shared his thoughts about the seminar. “I really liked it, and I hope the students really learned something from this activity that we have done today.” When asked for suggestions for future seminars, Nash wished that the speakers would be stricter to ensure better attention. Given that such behavior is expected in children, there’s still no doubt that the students gleaned valuable lessons from the seminar. Additionally, PCC College of Respiratory Therapy utilized a Q&A portion to assess their comprehension; many were racing their way in front to answer questions, showcasing their knowledge and engagement throughout the discussion. Nevertheless, Nash acknowledged the challenge of minimizing such behavior in children, emphasizing the importance of enjoyable learning experiences.
It is necessary to begin at such a young age! They are the future of our society, and it is our responsibility as those raising this generation to design a future that is safer, more comfortable, and more kind. We’re one step closer to achieving that aim by providing an atmosphere in which children may gain confidence in conducting CPR. # Hannah Pettina Cuarteros, Association of Respiratory Therapy Students (ARTS) of Pines City Colleges