Pines City Colleges

Celebrating PCC’s Fresh Start at the Convocation of 2024

Pines City Colleges hosted its annual convocation on August 28, 2024, at the Pines City Doctor’s Hospital Amphitheater, marking a significant start to the academic year. This yearly event serves as both a welcome for new employees and a moment to set the tone for the year ahead. This School year theme is “Upholding P.I.N.E.S at 55: The Key to Empowered Health Professionals,” where P.I.N.E.S. stands for Passion, Integrity, Nurturing, Excellence, and Service. This theme reflects PCC’s commitment to these five core values, emphasizing ethical behavior and respect in professional relationships. The program began with Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Marian A. Gascon, delivering the opening remarks. She welcomed the new employees of PCC and expressed her appreciation, particularly for the “forever young” faculty members aged 60 and above. Dr. Gascon emphasized that “they are never too old to learn, serve, and share.” She believes that aging brings valuable experience and wisdom, which are priceless in any learning situation. Dr. Gascon also noted that even if these individuals may not share knowledge and skills directly as written in books, they can still inspire both students and their younger and once-younger colleagues.

The Convocation is not only a traditional gathering but also a vital program aimed at enhancing employee knowledge and well-being. This year’s event took a dedicated focus on mental health, a topic of increasing importance in today’s fast-paced world. During the Convocation, employees engaged in sessions designed to address mental health challenges, learn effective coping strategies, and gain a comprehensive understanding of mental health issues. The program highlighted the institution’s commitment to supporting its staff’s mental well-being and fostering a healthier work environment.

RA 11036: Mental Health Act

After the welcome remarks, the program moved on to the first guest speaker, Mr. Leonardo Doguil, the Senior Labor Employment Officer at the Department of Labor and Employment (CAR). Mr. Doguil’s presentation focused on the Mental Health Act, officially known as Republic Act No. 11036. In his talk, Mr. Doguil emphasized the importance of employees being aware of their mental health. He outlined the key aspects of RA 11036, which is designed to promote and protect the rights of individuals utilizing psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial health services.

The Mental Health Act represents a significant step forward in addressing mental health needs and ensuring that these services are accessible and adequately funded. By promoting awareness and understanding of RA 11036, Mr. Doguil contributed valuable insights into the importance of mental health in the workplace and beyond, reinforcing the need for continued advocacy and support for mental health initiatives.

How to Combat Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

Following the discussion on Republic Act No. 11036, the program proceeded to a crucial segment focused on addressing mental health challenges in the workplace. This part of the program was presented by Mr. Cashmir F. Cabalo, the Department Head of Education Advocacy and Research at the Philippine Mental Health Association Cordillera Chapter, Inc.

Mr. Cabalo highlighted a significant point: mental health issues are widespread, and many individuals may be experiencing them without full awareness. Often, people believe they are coping well, but this doesn’t necessarily mean their mental health is in a healthy state. He emphasized that recognizing one’s mental health status is vital for employees. According to Mr. Cabalo, mental health is fundamentally about balance. He distinguished between “mental ill health,” which refers to a mild imbalance not classified as a mental illness, and “mental illness,” which denotes a more significant imbalance that is medically diagnosable and can disrupt one’s thinking and functioning. Understanding this distinction is essential for identifying and addressing mental health issues appropriately, Mr. Cabalo encouraged openness, urging employees not to fear discussing their mental health with someone they trust. Such conversations can be instrumental in overcoming mental health challenges and fostering a supportive work environment.

Academic and Administrative Updates

The Convocation 2024 event highlighted significant updates from both the academic and administrative sectors of the institution. Among the key moments were the Academic Council and Administration updates, presented with enthusiasm and pride.

Academic Council Updates

Dr. Gascon, representing the Academic Council, extended her appreciation to the PCC family for their accomplishments over the past and current academic year. One notable update was the much-anticipated reopening of the Physical Therapy program for first-year students after a three-year hiatus. Dr. Gascon also introduced Dean Grace Bayeng as the new Dean of the College of Pharmacy, recognizing her dedication and commitment to continuing her service at PCC. Dr. Gascon proudly announced that PCC had been ranked 48th in the World University Rankings for Innovation as of June 7, 2024. This achievement underscores the institution’s commitment to forward-thinking and impactful education. Additionally, she celebrated the awarding of the National Discipline Award to a senior high school graduating student, presented during the graduation ceremony on June 28, 2024. The School of Medicine was also commended for its achievements, including its first graduation of the inaugural alumni batch.

Administrative Updates

Ms. Ma. Regina S. Prats, Vice President of Administration and Finance, delivered a comprehensive overview of the institution’s administrative achievements. She began by congratulating the PCC community for a remarkable increase in student enrollment, which has reached a total of 2,452 students. Ms. Prats highlighted the institution’s ongoing advancements, including the acquisition of the state-of-the-art high-definition mannequin “Nursing Anne,” which enhances student demonstrations, and a new ventilator used by Respiratory Therapy students. This equipment is also available to other colleges, significantly improving the quality of their practical demonstrations.

Infrastructure improvements were also notable, with highly equipped workstations now available for faculty members in the College of Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, and Pharmacy. Ms. Prats expressed optimism that such upgrades would continue to advance in the coming years, reinforcing the institution’s commitment to excellence. She also extended a warm welcome to the new employees, expressing gratitude for their decision to join PCC. This growth reflects the institution’s dedication to nurturing future allied health professionals. Her pride and enthusiasm were palpable as she celebrated the institution’s ongoing achievements and progress.

Word of the Year

To conclude this convocation, we will remember that the Word of the Year for the 2024-2025 academic year is “sonder” from John Koenig’s “The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.” This term encapsulates the profound realization that every person, including the strangers we encounter on the street, leads a life as intricate and multifaceted as our own, which continues to unfold regardless of our awareness of it. Rrecognizing the concept of “sonder” in the workplace means understanding that each colleague has their own unique experiences, challenges, and perspectives. This awareness can foster empathy and improve communication among team members, creating a more supportive and cohesive work environment.

Overall, Convocation 2024 was marked by a celebration of past successes and a forward-looking approach to continued growth and improvement at PCC. #Collin Jaye Laguinday

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